Sunday, October 1
12 pm Beal's Park (located next to 24 Athens Street next to 3A) Bring your pets as we celebrate these important members of our families and bless them and us! In the Scriptures, the act of blessing means 'the imparting of power or life.' The person performing the blessing is mediating that power from God or Christ to the person performing or the animal involved. To bless is more than an expression of goodwill and caring. To bless is to impart God's power in person! The blessing of each animal, by name, means that health, healing and life are being mediated from God for the benefit of the animal in its relationship with its human partners. Beals Park is located at the intersection of Bridge Street and Athens Street (on 3A, just after Sea Street). Parking is avialable at the park or in the church's parking lot next door. For more information email All are welcome! |
Proposed Site location90 Bridge Street
Heading from Weymouth towards Quincy, turn right just before the bridge through what looks like a construction area. Then walk through the fenced area on the path leading around the water treatment plant. |